40 JavaScript Libraries You Shouldn’t Miss

A JavaScript library is a library of pre-written JavaScript which allows for easier development of JavaScript-based applications, especially for AJAX and other web-centric technologies. The primary use of JavaScript is to write functions that are embedded in or included from HTML pages and interact with the Document Object Model (DOM) of the page.

In this roundup we have amassed 40 best JavaScript libraries which will help you to simplify your website related tasks and keep your website a step ahead of the competition. We hope you will find following JavaScript libraries below beneficial to your web related needs.

1. JSCharting

A comprehensive JavaScript and SVG chart library offering a complete set of chart features and types, JSCharting includes an online editor for simple configuration, a massive set of samples and stunning visuals to communicate your data quickly and effectively.

2. Clmtrackr

Clmtrackr is a javascript library for fitting facial models to faces in videos or images. It currently is an implementation of constrained local models fitted by regularized landmark mean-shift, as described in Jason M. Saragih’s paper. Clmtrackr tracks a face and outputs the coordinate positions of the face model as an array.

3. VideoConverter.js

videoconverter.js is a library that allows you to convert and manipulate videos inside of your web browser. This is achieved by converting the popular FFmpeg library into JavaScript, using Emscripten.

4. Planetary.js

Planetary.js is a JavaScript library for building awesome interactive globes. Planetary.js is based on D3.js and TopoJSON. It has built-in support for zoom, rotation, mouse interaction, and displaying animated “pings” at any coordinate.

5. Type Rendering Mix

Type Rendering Mix is a tiny JavaScript library that allows to apply styles only when Core Text is used (iOS and OS X) in order to achieve a more consistent rendering while preserving the accuracy of sub-pixel antialiasing.

6. Slip.js

Slip.js is a tiny library for interactive swiping and reordering of elements in lists ontouch screens with no dependencies. You interact with the library via custom DOM events for swipes/reordering.

7. Whistle.js

Whistle.js is a lightweight whistle detector/analyzer written in pure javascript. Whistle.js acquires the user’s microphone input via getUserMedia and keeps monitoring certain frequencies, believed to be the “whistling” ones.

8. Switchery

Switchery is a JavaScript Library that helps you turn your default HTML checkbox inputs into beautiful iOS 7 style switches in just few simple steps. You can easily customize switches, so that they match your design perfectly.

8. Voix.js

Voix.JS is handy, lightweight JavaScript library for adding voice commands to your site, games and apps.

9. Unison.js

Unison.js is a small plugin (533 bytes minified, 164 bytes gzipped) that allows you to declare named breakpoints in one place and automatically sync them across your javascript and markup. When all of your front-end technologies share breakpoint information, complex responsive tasks such as conditional loading and image swapping become much simpler and straight-forward.

10. Math.js

Math.js is an extensive math library for JavaScript and Node.js. It features a flexible expression parser and offers an integrated solution to work with numbers, big numbers, complex numbers, units, and matrices.

11. Ember Charts

Ember Chart is a charting library built with the Ember.js and d3.js frameworks. It includes time series, bar, pie, and scatter charts which are easy to extend and modify.

12. Ifvisible.js

ifvisible.js is an impressive, cross browser & lightweight way to check if user is looking at the page or interacting with it. It can handle activity states too, such as being IDLE or ACTIVE on the page.

13. Resumable.js

It’s a JavaScript library providing multiple simultaneous, stable and resumable uploads via the HTML5 File API.

14. Piecon

Piecon is a tiny JavaScript library which helps you to dynamically generate beautifulpie charts in your favicon.

15. Offline.js

Offline.js is a library to automatically alert your users when they’ve lost internet connectivity, like Gmail. It captures AJAX requests which were made while the connection was down, and remakes them when it’s back up, so your app reacts perfectly.

16. Snap.svg

SVG lets you create interactive, resolution-independent vector graphics that will look great on any size screen. And the Snap.svg JavaScript library makes working with your SVG assets as easy as jQuery makes working with the DOM.

17. Device.js

Device.js is a tiny JavaScript library that simplifies writing conditional CSS or JavaScript that is based on the platform, operating system or browser.

18. CircleType.js

Circletype.js is a lightweight , tiny jquery plugins that helps you to set type on a circle. Its quite useful and only 2.7 kb jquery plugin. It has numerous features such as it uses any font, adjust letter spacing as usual with CSS, flip it around so it reads counter-clockwise instead, set the radious manually or let CircleType.js figure it out for you, work in fluid and responsive layouts and plays well with FitText.js.

19. Annyang.js

annyang is a tiny javascript library that lets your visitors control your site with voice commands. annyang has no dependencies, weighs less than 1kb, and is free to use and modify. annyang understands commands with named variables, splats, and optional words.

20. Favico.js

Favico.js, a tiny JavaScript library, It makes adding badges, images and videos to favicons possible. The badges can be inserted with multiple animations and their background + text colors can be changed. Favico.js make use of your favicon with badges, images or videos.

21. Odometer

Odometer is a JavaScript-CSS library for creating effects/interfaces that are familiar from “car mileage displays, airport info boards or slot machines”. The library is standalone + lightweight (3kb) and uses CSS transformations for the effect which works pretty fast (has a fallback too).

22. Funky.js

funky.js is a library used to add some funky effects and other transformations to webcam media using WebRTC and CSS filters (aka shaders). Currently, Firefox does not provide full support for the filter property whereas Chrome does. For this reason, the Negative and Sepia effects will not function correctly unless using Chrome.

23. HTML.js

HTML is a small, powerful way for you to enjoy working directly with the DOM. HTML.min.js (~2.7kb, gzip) HTML lets you navigate, manipulate and usethe DOM with intuitive, readable, consistent code.

24. Parallax.js

Parallax.js is a lightweight solution for creating parallax effects. Besides mouse/cursor support, it works on mobile and tablet (where gyroscope or motion detection hardware is available) too.

25. Moment.js

Moments.js is a feature-rich JavaScript library for working with dates (parsing, manipulating, and formatting them). It works both in the browser and server with NodeJS as all code is compatible with both of the environments.

26. Countdown.js

Countdown.js is a JavaScript library for calculating and displaying the timespan between two dates. The library calculates the value continuously considering “the time goes on” and keeps generating an accurate output.

27. Minified.js

Minified.js is a client-side JavaScript library with low footprint (<8kB) and a large feature set. It offers jQuery-like features (DOM manipulation, animation, events, HTTP requests) and utility functions (collections, date&number formatting, date arithmetic, templates) with a simple, coherent API.

28. Medium.js

Medium.js. keeps HTML code withincontenteditable semantic, simple, and clean. It also allows for placeholders, automatic HR creation, events, hotkeys, and more.

29. Later.js

Later.js, a standalone JavaScript library, offers an advanced usage for triggering recurring events and can easily replace both methods for many projects.

30. Aristochart

Aristochart is a JavaScript library with no dependencies. It is only capable of creating 2D line charts which are static (uses canvas)

31. Squel.js

Squel.js, a lightweight JavaScript library, helps building SQL query strings very easily through an object oriented API.

32. Flippant.js

Flippant.js is a mini JavaScript and CSS library that lets you flip things over. It has zero dependencies, is easily customized, and exports a single function: flip.

33. Chart.js

Chart.js is an impressive JavaScript charting library that is built on top of HTML5 canvas. It currently supports 6 chart types (line, bar, radar, pie, column and polar area) and all this comes in a standalone, less than 5kb package.

34. React

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

35. SVG.js

SVG.js is a JavaScript library for working (manipulating and animating) with SVG without any complexity

36. Packery

Packery is a JavaScript layout library that uses a bin-packing algorithm. This is a fancy way of saying “it fills empty gaps.”

37. Howler.js

Howler.js is a JavaScript library that works with Web Audio API by default and falls back to HTML5 Audio when not supported.

38. Slow.js

Slow.js makes it possible to slow down your CSS transitions when a key is pressed, based on a predefined factor. It’s currently compatible with Firefox, Chrome, and Safari, has no dependencies, and supports multiple transition speeds, among other features.

39. Envision.js

Envision.js is a library for creating dynamic, interactive, and fast HTML5 visualizations from your data. Create time series visualizations with real-time or existing data, financial charts, and much more.

40. Echo.js

Echo.js allows for simple lazy loading of images using JavaScript. It’s incredibly easy to use, library-agnostic, and less than 1KB minified.

40 JavaScript Libraries You Shouldn’t Miss
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