The Best 5 Steps to Explore Cross-Platform Mobile App Development

With the on-growing craze of smartphones, the accrescent market of mobile app development is nowhere to stop.

Even experts worldwide have predicted that by the end of 2020, mobile app development shall reach a benchmark of $189 billion in terms of ROI. And, this figure depends on the entire domain of the mobile app market and not just a single big name. So, we can clearly understand that developers everywhere are striving hard to reach their best state and for that, they are ready to turn every stone around to get the best out of mobile application development.

Like we already know, there are a good number of types when it is about mobile application development. Such for instance, Android, iOS, hybrid, native, and a lot more are the types of apps available currently in the market.

But, if you ask for my recommendation, I would tell you to start with cross-platform applications. and this article of mine concentrates on that very same topic.
So, before getting deeper into the details let’s just know a bit more about cross-platform applications.

Cross-platform Application

Cross-platform applications are nothing but such applications that can run on several different platforms like on the iOS platform as well as on Android.

So, why it is a highly recommended options is quite clear a thing. Developing cross-platform mobile applications, tech business can conquer on both platforms with much ease as cross-platform applications can run on several platforms, requiring the slightest changes in the written codes.

Reasons to Opt for Cross-Platform Applications

There are a good number of reasons that have been provoking tech experts to opt for cross-platform applications. Here are 5 of the reasons that I found worth mentioning.

1. Multiple Reuse of Codes

While choosing a platform to build their apps for, app developers face the biggest of the issues. And, here comes cross-platform mobile app development as a rescuer.

Let me tell you.

Like I said earlier, cross-platform mobile application development is something that benefits app developers by cutting down their hassles of coding again and ageing for each platform. Instead in cross-platform mobile application development, all developers require doing is making a few small changes in their previously written codes. And, BOOM! it’s done.

Such ease of development process is really commendable and very hard to not opt for as this occurrence saves a lot of time in the development process and developers get more time to cross-check their codes and test them multiple times on multiple devices.

2. Cheaper Than the Rest

Much different from the regular, hybrid or native app development occurrences, developing applications in a cross-platform way happens to be a lot cost effective.
Yes, and there are reasons. For the other fellow mobile app development processes, companies require investing in different tools and technologies for each particular platform but it is much different in the case of cross-platform mobile application development as in this process, business need to avail tools just for once that works fine with every platform.

Other than that, crafting cross-platform applications happen to be enough time saving as well. Similar to the previous part, other development processes usually take much time as for those, developers require coding for every platform multiple times. This affects the time invested in the development process a lot, which eventually takes a toll on the development cost.
Where in case of cross-platform mobile application development things are much different.

3. Ease of Updating

With the upsurge in the number of tech giants willing to craft cross-platform applications, a good number of platforms have facilitated the ease of updating applications for the cross-platform mobile app developers.

This aids them with ease of work before publishing their mobile applications on several platforms.
Platforms like PhoneGap, Appcelerator etc. are some that are worth mentioning here.
With Appcelerator, a developer can program in HTML5 and later on the person can easily make the necessary changes (which are very minimalistic) before releasing applications for the respective platforms.

Using such platforms, the development process becomes much simpler to get done and this also allows to bring the updates into line real time, irrespective of platforms.

4. Similar App Experience Irrespective of Platforms

Though developing cross-platform applications, users would get the similar experience of using applications irrespective of the devices they use.

Though would help a lot in garnering user attention and increasing user engagement.
Yes, usually such occurrences happen when people get confused accessing previously used applications from different devices. Suppose if a user changes his smartphone from an Android device to an iPhone and finds his favorite application with a different mood, figuring out things will definitely become hectic for him and in the worst cases the person might even end up uninstalling the application from their phone.
But things will definitely differ if that application gets built using cross-platform tech.

5. Wider Audience Base

And the last but not the least, if a tech company spends much in developing mobile applications for particular platforms, i.e. native mobile app development, it gets much expensive on their part when it gets about reaching the maximum audience.

While on the other hand, the same event becomes pretty easy with the cross-platform application and it gets cost effective as well. Cross-platform mobile app development aids them with the platform issue increasing the visibility of the application across all platforms and eventually boosts the audience base and, of course, the ROI.

What Do You Think?

So, here I come to an end to my 5 steps one-stop guide about cross-platform mobile applications.
Here in this article, I have tried my best to cover up the most and I hope my efforts and this blog has helped you enough in solving your queries and doubts.
If it did, do let us know in the comments. But if it didn’t just give us a call to book your free consultation.

We are a cross-platform app development company with 1000+ happy clients worldwide. If you wish to make us your technical fellow in your app development process, we are always ready. We’d love to work with you.

The Best 5 Steps to Explore Cross-Platform Mobile App Development
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