Feathers : Lightweight Web Application Framework


Feathers is a light weight web application framework that rides on top of Express. It makes it easy to create RESTful web services and real-time applications using socket.io.

The core focus of Feathers is your data. We believe that ultimately your app’s purpose is to manage data in some fashion and so that’s all you should really need to deal with. Managing your data. Building an app with Feathers is easy. There are only 4 things to worry about. A wrapped express server, providers, services & middleware. Services are just simple modules that expose certain methods to the providers in order to CRUD your data.

[button color=”red” size=”medium” link=”http://feathersjs.com/” target=”blank” ]Feathers[/button]

Feathers : Lightweight Web Application Framework
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  1. http://www.scribd.com/ February 28, 2014 Reply